Tips and tricks for cleaning windows and mirrors:

Windows and mirrors are essential parts of any home, but they can be a hassle to clean. They seem to attract dust and grime like magnets, and cleaning them can feel like a never-ending task. However, with a few simple tricks, you can clean your windows and mirrors quickly and easily, leaving them sparkling clean.

Here are some tips and tricks for cleaning windows and mirrors:

  • Use the Right Tools

The first step to cleaning windows and mirrors is to have the right tools. You’ll need a squeegee, a microfiber cloth, a spray bottle, and a cleaning solution. You can buy a commercial cleaning solution, but you can also make your own with water and vinegar. Mix equal parts water and vinegar in a spray bottle, and you’re ready to go.

  • Clean on a Cloudy Day

It might seem counterintuitive, but the best time to clean your windows and mirrors is on a cloudy day. If you clean them on a sunny day, the sun can dry the cleaning solution too quickly, leaving streaks and spots. On a cloudy day, the solution will stay wet longer, giving you more time to squeegee and wipe the surface clean.

  • Start at the Top

When cleaning windows or mirrors, start at the top and work your way down. This way, any drips or spills will be cleaned up as you go rather than smudging the areas you’ve already cleaned. Use the spray bottle to wet the glass, and then use the squeegee to remove the excess liquid. Wipe the squeegee blade with a cloth after each stroke to prevent streaks.

  • Don’t Forget the Edges

When cleaning windows and mirrors, it’s easy to focus on the centre of the glass and forget about the edges. However, the edges are often the dirtiest parts, as they are the most exposed to dust and grime. Use the tip of the squeegee to clean the edges of the glass, and then use a microfiber cloth to wipe them clean.

  • Use Newspaper

If you don’t have a microfiber cloth, you can use newspaper instead. The ink in the newspaper will help to remove any stubborn dirt and grime, and the paper won’t leave any lint or residue behind. Simply crumple up a sheet of newspaper and use it to wipe the glass clean.

  • Use a Vinegar Solution

As mentioned earlier, a simple cleaning solution made from water and vinegar can be just as effective as a commercial cleaner. Vinegar is a natural disinfectant and can dissolve dirt and grime easily. Mix equal parts water and vinegar in a spray bottle, and use it to clean your windows and mirrors. You can also add a drop of dish soap to the solution for extra cleaning power.

  • Dry with a Microfiber Cloth

After you’ve cleaned your windows or mirrors, it’s important to dry them thoroughly to prevent streaks. Use a microfiber cloth to wipe away any remaining moisture. Microfiber cloths are absorbent and won’t leave lint or residue behind.

  • Use a Lint Roller

If you have pets or live in a dusty area, you may notice that your mirrors and windows attract lint and dust. To remove this quickly and easily, use a lint roller. Simply roll the lint roller over the glass, and it will pick up any stray hairs or particles.

  • Clean Regularly

The best way to keep your windows and mirrors clean is to clean them regularly. This way, dirt and grime won’t have a chance to build up, and cleaning will be a breeze. Make a schedule for cleaning your windows and mirrors, and stick to it.

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