Tips On: clean your oven quickly

Cleaning an oven is a task that most of us dread. It’s time-consuming, requires a lot of elbow grease, and often leaves you with an unpleasant chemical smell in your home. However, cleaning your oven is essential to maintaining its efficiency and extending its lifespan. Fortunately, with these simple tricks, you can clean your oven quickly without the hassle.

First and foremost, it’s essential to make sure that the oven is cool before starting the cleaning process. Attempting to clean an oven that is still hot can be dangerous and result in the cleaning products evaporating before they can work effectively. Once you’re sure that the oven has cooled down, remove any loose debris or large pieces of food using a spatula or scraper.

Next, create a cleaning solution using ingredients you already have at home. Mix baking soda and water to make a paste that can be spread across the inside of the oven. Baking soda is an excellent cleaning agent because it’s abrasive enough to scrub away tough stains but not so harsh that it will damage the oven’s surfaces. Additionally, it’s non-toxic, making it a safer option for use around food.

Apply the paste to the inside of the oven, covering the bottom, sides, and back. If you have a self-cleaning oven, ensure not to apply the paste to the heating elements, which could cause damage. Allow the paste to sit for at least an hour or overnight, depending on the oven’s dirty.

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